The Re Institute      
               calendar | past | statement | artists |proposals | contact

                   1395 Boston Corners Rd, Millerton NY 12546


April 5th to May 17th

Opening April 5th 3pm to 6pm

Followed by a potluck

Upstairs William Corwin

In collaboration with Geary Contemporary,


Dolly Bross Geary and Jack Geary


May 24th to July 5th

Opening May 31st 3pm to 6pm

Followed by a potluck

Upstairs Brigitta Varadi and Amy Podmore

Downstairs Nate Millstein and friends


July 12th to August 23rd

Opening July 12th 3pm to 6pm

Followed by a potluck

Upstairs Gregory Klassen

Downstairs Ruby Jackson and friends


August 30th to October 11th

Opening August 30th 3pm to 6pm

Followed by a potluck

Upstairs The double portrait

curated by Joshua Rosenblatt

Downstairs Odette Steinert and friends